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"Retention and Four-Year Graduation Rate are two of the most significant factors in boosting a students return on investment. Our mission is to assure you find and enroll in the right college the first time, saving you money and enriching your college experience."
Brian Nigg, Founder & CEO
Learning Modules
Our learning modules help students navigate various elements of the college search process, including high school class selection, narrowing the scope of candidates, crafting your college essay, and understanding expected ROI.
Interactive Tools
Portico Search & Portico ROI help students identify the schools that most closely meet their priorities and better understand the variance in expected early career return on investment amongst their top candidates.
Consultations & Workshops
Our team of Independent Educational Consultants offer consultations and group workshops on a variety of topics including Crafting your Essay, Interview Prep 101, and Navigating Financial Aid.
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